
Welcome to the digital home of Cefn Fforest Miners’ Welfare Hall CIO, the charity set up to refurbish Cefn Fforest Miners’ Institute and bring it back into use as a community resource for the village of Cefn Fforest.

Originally built in 1930 the Stute has gone through many stages. Originally a Miners institute, it eventually became a Working Mens’ Club, before becoming a Rugby Club and a boxing gym, before finally closing in 2012.

In 2019 the building appeared in a documentary about Shirley The Barber (watch video here), which highlighted how the building had fallen into disrepair.

In 2019, prompted by the documentary, a public meeting was held in Cefn Fforest to gage the mood of the village with regards opening the building back up. The mood was a positive one and after many meetings with local volunteers, the council and representatives of the Rugby Club, a steering group was formed and a charity, Cefn Fforest Miners Welfare Hall was registered with the Charity Commission in October 2020.

Since then, volunteers have been working to raise the funds necessary to refurbish the building and numerous local trades people have been helping out with carrying out as much of the work we can ourselves.

the future

We aim to make the building a resource for the community. The objects of the charity, as stated in our constitution registered with the charity commission is as follows.

To further or benefit the residents of Cefn Fforest and the surrounding area, without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents.

Furthermore – we aim to

  1. Sensitively renovate and maintain The Cefn Fforest Miners Welfare Institute; a building of historical and architectural importance.
  2. Improve the wellbeing of the people of Cefn Fforest and the surrounding areas.
  3. Adapt the wide variety of spaces in the institute building to facilitate social, educational, recreational and cultural activities and enhance the lifestyles and personal development of members of our community.
  4. Be a focal point for the community that will enhance social cohesion and community spirit.

In short, the building will not return to simply being a social club, but will be a resource for all ages and abilities. We will host educational, wellbeing and fitness events. We will hold social events and make the building available for hire to relevant parties for functions and meetings.

All this is going to cost a lot of money, so we are working in stages. We aim to have the ‘big room’, the old function room out the back, open in 2024. We will then work on funding the rest of the building, eventually opening up the former bar areas – potentially as a café, exhibition area, meeting room. The upstairs could potentially be office space for local businesses or classrooms.

How the building will eventually look and what it will be used for is up to the community. This is going to be your building. 

You can download a copy of our constitution registered with the Charity Commission in 2020 below.