The Red Shoes Archive is a not-for-profit social justice poster archive based in South Wales.

Preserving our working class people’s history and art. It includes over a thousand radical posters, covering industrial action, feminism, anti-apartheid, anti-fascism, climate crisis, international solidarity, civil rights, racial justice, anti-apartheid and many more progressive campaigns.

From 29th -30th June, 11am-5pm it will be curating an exhibition of radical posters in Chapter Arts, Cardiff.

Shaun Featherstone, the driving force behind the archive stated: “We are so excited about working with Chapter Arts Centre on a two day event at the end of this month! THROUGH DISOBEDIENCE WE PROGRESS will explore resistance, struggle and collective activism. We’ll be mounting our biggest exhibition of the archive’s posters to date in the Chapter gallery. Across the 2 days there will also be film screenings, talks and workshops around grassroots cultural and collective work, and organising for social change. We’ll be hosting talks, selling posters and hosting a poster cataloguing party. Hope to see you there – 29-30 June, 11am-5pm”.

“A major component of the exhibition display will be the 1984/85 Miners’ Strike. We have over forty original posters from the period, many from South Wales, and we hope to feature as many as possible. Here are some of the designs: you can expect to see most of these in the exhibition. If you have any knowledge of/or remember these, or have your own posters from that time, please get in touch. We will also be selling some reproduction Miners’Strike posters, £2 from each sale of those will be donated to the Cefn Fforest Miners’ Institute refurbishment fund“.

We are honored that Shaun has made this kind gesture. Feel free to support the event, attend some of the talks (which will include members of the Stute committee) and buy some posters.

For more information, visit the Chapter event page

By clint