This week saw the re-opening of the original entrance to the Stute.

When the building was first constructed back in 1930, it had a grand entrance with a magnificent looking doorway. At some point in the past, probably the 1980s, the doorway was blocked up in favour of a smaller doorway between the function room and the main building.

As part of the ongoing work to restore the building to its former glory, we have now re-opened the original doorway and installed two new beautiful wooden doors.

Below you will see a photograph of Chris Williams taken sat outside the original doorway back in the 1960s. His father was Chairman of the Stute at the time. Chris has been an active volunteer with the charity helping to open the building back up. The second photographs shows Chris sat outside the new door.

Chris Williams as a child outside the original doors
Chris Williams sixty years after the original photo was taken

The new doorway was installed at the same time as several new windows were installed in the function room – again, these had been bricked up in the past. We have also had roller shutters fitted for the windows for security.

These are just some of the jobs carried out this year, we have also had new heaters installed, new flooring, rewiring and extensive plastering. There will be more details of the work we have carried out in our annual report which will be presented to our AGM next year.

new windows with security shutter

By clint