Welcome to the new website for Cefn Fforest Miners’ institute, AKA ‘The Stute’.

The site aims to bring you the latest news on our project to restore the institute and bring it back into uses as a community hub. Eventually it will be to advertise events that we have planned in the building.

As well as updates and news, we aim to look at the history of the building, let you know how you can get involved with the project and to say thanks to those that have helped us along our way.

The website is in its infancy, so there are lots of gaps. For instance, our list of donors is not exhaustive, but we aim to put that right in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, have a snoop around. And if you see anything you think you would like to see added or changed, contact cefnfforestminers@yahoo.com

By clint